Friday, February 4, 2011

Really Bad, Good & Really Good Food

   To say that figuring out what is good for you is confusing would be an understatement! Turn on the TV, the radio; open a magazine, or just take a stroll down any aisle of the supermarket and you are bombarded with packages and advertising all saying that their product is "healthy"! Let me just get something out there...and don't think that I'm some type of "conspiracy theorist", because I have plenty of better things to do, but people... IT IS A BUSINESS! Selling food is a BUSINESS! A multi-BILLION dollar industry. Of course there is going to be confusion. These businesses want you to buy their products.

   I got really tired of trying to decipher what I was watching on TV, hearing on the radio, and seeing everywhere I went, and so I looked somewhere else. I wanted to learn how the body worked, what foods were divinely created for it, and then even after all of that...see what was actually working! I always laugh when I see healthcare professionals who physically look like they wouldn't know health if it slapped them in the face: nutritionists who need to take a few lessons of their own. Why would we want to take advice from people like that? As with anything in life, if you want something for yourself; want to reach a to people who have that for themselves and have been successful in those goals.
   So, here's what makes sense to me. And I say "makes sense" because usually if things don't make sense, they're not true. We have bodies made of living tissues; bodies made to run off of living foods; foods they don't have to work very hard to benefit from, or even benefit at all! I have come up with a system that makes it pretty easy for me to discern if something is the most beneficial for my body, and it's so simple that I taught a group of 3-12 years olds this same thing a few months ago. Ready?...

~Does it come from a plant, a vine, or a tree?...does it come from the ground, an animal...or the sea?~

   Now...don't try and tell yourself that french fries come from the ground, (the way they are presented at stores or restaurants) or that fruit loops come from a tree. They come from a very special kind of tree...a 'Fac-tree'. The other day I wrote that I felt there were 3 main categories for quality eating; Really Bad, Good, and Really Good. I told you that we generally fall between the Good and Really Good categories in our family. Let me give you a couple of examples of things that could fall into those different categories. Now that you have the rhyme from'll understand more of how I determine which categories things fall into.

Let's use an easy one like peanut butter for an example:

Really Bad                        

- Peanut Butter in a jar that is made with partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, or even sugar.


- Peanut Butter in a jar that has no more than 2 or 3 ingredients. Mainly peanuts and some type of oil (not hydrogenated)

Really Good

-If you're going to buy peanut butter in a jar, get one with simply 1 ingredient on the list. Peanuts.
-Adams makes an organic brand of peanut butter.
-And the best of all? There are many delicious replacements for peanut butter that can have greater health benefits. Things like sprouted almond butter, cashew butter, etc. I'll have to do a tutorial video making one of these butters to show you.

To sum things up, look for foods, and drinks for that matter (saved for a different post) that fall under the umbrella covered by the rhyme. Look for those foods in their most natural, unaltered state...and you will be doing better than probably 95% of our country right now. More to come. Stay tuned!


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