Tuesday, March 29, 2011

72-Hour Emergency Kits and Food Storage

I am aware that a lot of people have different opinions on food storage, but it’s been at the forefront of my mind for a few weeks now. Not an ideal time in our business schedule, but for some reason I have felt a great sense of urgency to “catch back up”.

When I was giving a health class a little over a year ago, one of the questions asked was, “But what about food storage?” I think that there is a misconception that food storage has to be the worst of the worst when it comes to healthy food. Boxes upon boxes of cheap, colorful cereal (because they will last and were on sale!), and cans of a variety of different foods that will last forever because they’re packed with so many preservatives. Believe it or not, it doesn’t have to be that way, and I’m excited to teach you about what we are doing!

Why 72-Hour Emergency Kits and Food Storage? With massive earthquakes in Japan and the resulting tsunamis, crazy winter storms, flooding, droughts, etc. it is extremely important to be prepared. I personally am not sure anyone can logically argue that point. Think about your own preparedness for a moment…what would YOU do if stores were unavailable for more than a week? To give you a recent example. Here in Texas last month, we had some crazy ice and then snow storms. The city shut down for about 4 days. It was the most snow days the schools had ever had. Power companies were forcing rolling blackouts across the state to conserve the available power. It was frigid outside! (especially for Texas!) Trucks weren’t able to transport food and people couldn’t get to the store. Then things finally began to defrost…and people ventured out. When I went to Walmart, many of the shelves were empty because they hadn’t been able to receive shipments. There was only ONE package of toilet paper left in its aisle and I snatched it up quickly because we were out! Everyone who didn’t have food had bombarded the stores the second they could get out of their houses and stocked up on everything. The next day? Another storm. Schools and the city shut down AGAIN! I hadn’t ever seen that happen before, but even something as seemingly small as an ice storm (at first we could still see the roads, but they were just covered in at least an inch of solid ice. It looked like a skating rink.)

A couple of weeks ago, I read about the response to the potential tsunamis in Hawaii. People waited in line for hours to get things like gasoline and WATER! We can’t control the weather, and if you understand “mass mentality”, you don’t want to be in the position of need.

What if it is something as individual as you or your spouse losing your job and not having enough income while you make other arrangements?  It could be so many different things, but if we are prepared, there is nothing to be afraid of.

So here is what we are doing. This weekend, we are revamping our 72-Hour Emergency kits and over the next few weeks, updating our long term food storage (we had quite a bit before we moved and since we are sort of in a transitional period we have just been using what we had up without replacing it. –which actually is great for us this time around because we are making some big changes to the type of food we are storing.)

Alright, the next post is going to be specifically discussing our 72-Hour Emergency Kits; why we have them, what we have in them, what we are adding to them, what we are packing everything in, how many we have…everything. I’ll tell you where I found all of these things and hopefully give you clarity as to how you can confidently make 72-Hour Emergency packs that you will feel good about that will full of good food as well!

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