Ok, before you read any further, you must consciously erase or temporarily turn off EVERY single bit of belief or truth you have been taught about milk your entire life. (I know what those things are…because I was ingrained with the same information)
Milk does a body good. 3-a-day of dairy. Milk makes strong bones. Milk gives your body 100% of the calcium it needs.
Now click the ‘delete’ button…even if it’s just temporarily.
*By the way, after a lawsuit a few years back, the dairy association is not longer able to claim that “milk does a body good.” Just fyi.
First of all, before going any further, you need to read this. It can’t be explained much clearer by me and it will give you the base of the coming information.
Here’s what else I know.
1. Cows milk is made for baby cows. Just as human milk is made for baby humans. Here’s an interesting blog post.
2. The protein structure of cow’s milk is extremely different than the protein structure of human milk, therefore making it extremely difficult and/or impossible to digest for people young and old. In fact, goats milk is the most similar in structure and digestion to human milk and that’s the reason it is recommended to those with little ones who are allergic to milk. Here’s another interesting blog post.
3. Cow’s milk is mucous creating. Below is an excerpt from another interesting article. You’ll definitely want to make sure and read the entire article as well.
Mucus (the unhealthy kind, thick greenish-yellowish in color) greatly sabotages the health of Westerners, especially here in the U.S.
Mucus is the result of excess acid in the body, referred to as acidosis. This acidosis stems from eating far too many acid-forming so-called foods, i.e. meat, dairy products, refined grains, refined starches; processed foods, etc.
The acid-forming foods break down in our bodies via the digestion process. A byproduct produced in our bodies from dairy consumption is LACTIC ACID.
Lactic acid forms and stores in the blood and tissues of the body. It is produced by anaerobic respiration. It is what is responsible for the stiffness after you work out.
Lactic acid inflames the mucous membranes (internal skin). To protect the body, the body begins to produce vast amounts of thick mucus to serve as a barrier between the acid and the mucous membranes; but because we eat so much acid-forming foods and non-stop, more acid is produced in the body and in turn the body has to produce more mucus; well, the mucus builds up so much so that the mucus now becomes a problem to the body. The mucus obstructs the mucous membranes and now there arises a problem with the blood and skin, usually of an inflammatory nature.
Mucus causes inflammation (burning). It the medical world, inflammation is denoted by the suffix 'itis.' The English word (actually a suffix) "itis" denotes or means "inflammation" and said inflammation is due to mucus which is the result of eating too much acid-forming so-called foods, i.e., meat (hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, fried chicken, pork chops, sausages, fish, lamb chops, shrimp, lobster, etc.), pizza, potato chips, cake, donuts, spaghetti, pasta, bread, bagels, muffins, etc. Yes, all the good tasting stuff (that only seemingly taste good due to the chemical food additives added to them).
The excess mucus eventually stores in areas of the body whereby there is space and room for it, i.e. joints, female reproductive tract, etc. or will store in certain organs where the energy is low so as to convey a metaphysical message to the person.
In Western medical language, wherever the mucus stores in the body and causes inflammation, the disease is named after the body part (in Latin) and usually ends with the suffix 'itis'; so for example, if there is excess mucus in the vagina, the disease is called 'vaginitis.' If there is excess mucus in the bronchi tubes, the disease is called 'bronchitis.' If there is excess mucus in the 'arthr' (joints of the arm), the disease is called 'arthritis.'
Appendicitis = inflammation of the appendix
Arthritis = inflammation of the arthrs (joints)
Bronchitis = inflammation of the bronchi
Carditis = inflammation of the heart
Colitis = inflammation of the colon
Conjunctivitis = inflammation of the conjunctiva
Diverticulitis = inflammation of the diverticuli
Hepatitis = inflammation of the liver
Meningitis = inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
Nephritis = inflammation of the kidneys
Otitis = inflammation of the ears
Phlebitis = inflammation of the veins
Prostatitis = inflammation of the prostate gland
Tendonitis = inflammation of the tendons
Urethritis = inflammation of the urethra
Vaginitis = inflammation of the vagina
Any disease ending with the suffix 'itis' lets you know that there is inflammation present caused by excess mucus buildup and the particular disease.
Also, any disease ending with the suffix 'itis' can be healed by simply removing the mucus from the body. You first stop eating the things that cause the mucus - the good-tasting stuff, usually junk foods. Then, you work on dissolving and removing the mucus. This is done by using certain herbs such as Mullein leaf, Yerba Santa, Boneset, Comfrey Root, Fenugreek Seed, or Coltsfoot or ready made herbal compounds such as Dherbs.Com Mucus Buster, Acid Buster, Lungs Formulas and the 3-week Lungs and Respiratory Cleanse.
Next, you begin eating things that will repair the area that was damaged by the mucus and which will also prevent mucus formation and proliferation in the body.
Read more: http://www.dherbs.com/articles/dangerous-dairy-238.html#ixzz1GCiPltHn2.
4. And if all of that wasn’t enough for you to digest (pun intended)…milk and dairy products are PASTEURIZED. Pasteurization is done to “protect” us from harmful bacteria, but it also has some other nasty effects. Here’s a great link that will help you weed through any of the confusion if you were to try and Google “milk and pasteurization” on your own. It’s SO difficult to know who’s right…and for the right reasons. (no money motivated!!) The author of my FAVORITE book on health stated the following,
“One day I found some information by Dr. Paul Auster, an expert on pasteurization and homogenization. He explained that the high temperatures required for pasteurizing dairy products not only killed enzymes, they also created a poisonous chemical called xanthine oxidase (the XO factor), which went directly into the arterial system and formed plaque. Alarms went off in my head. Heart disease caused by hardened plaque in the arteries has risen dramatically across the country over the past hundred years. So had our intake of pasteurized dairy products.
Dr. Auster went on to say that milk pasteurization killed a vital dairy enzyme called lactase. We were not able to produce it ourselves, and without it, it was impossible to break down the lactose. I cut out all dairy, even through it was a mainstay of my diet, and after only a few days, I awoke one morning with no congestion. I could breathe through my nose for the first time in years…” The Cure pg. 43.
Ok, that’s enough for now. I’ll let you try and regroup. Now that I’ve exposed the “problem” you are probably asking yourself…how can I change? Even after reading the first article I linked to at the top you still may be asking yourself…”But HOW can we get enough calcium, if we stop drinking milk or eating dairy?” (I know…old habits and programming die hard) Well, what kind of help would I be if I gave you a problem…but didn’t give you a solution? Coming right up…a diet rich in calcium without dairy and milk…COMIN' RIGHT UP!